Saturday, June 29, 2013

Attention Deficit Disorder Nutrition

The quality of the food we eat (or lack thereof) has a profound effect on attention deficit disorder and ADHD. For many people, nutrition alone can effectively work as an Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder alternative treatment.

A growing body of research points to nutritional deficiencies - essential fatty acids and amino acids in particular - as a factor in attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities.

Remove the Ritalin bottle for one minute to consider these research results Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder attention deficit nutrition;

    A George Washington University School of Medicine study found that hyperactive children who ate a protein-rich meal is well, and sometimes better, in school than children who are not hyperactive.
    A (England) Oxford University study evaluated the effects of fatty acid supplementation in children of normal intelligence who have difficulties in reading and writing important. Symptoms of ADHD in children receiving essential fatty acids significantly improved in children in the control group who received a placebo.
    Researchers first tied Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD with lower essential fatty acids in 1981. Studies on blood levels of essential fatty acids in children with behavioral problems in 1983 confirmed this connection Nutrition attention deficit disorder.
    The researchers also documented link deficiency of essential fatty acids for attention deficit disorder in a study of 1987. Then, a 1995 study compared the levels of essential fatty acids in Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children with a control group of children without ADHD showed significantly lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
    In 1996, Purdue University researchers found that children with low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood, fatty acids have a higher incidence of attention deficit disorder ADHD.

Attention Deficit Disorder is the most common behavioral disorder in children. Not all Attention Deficit ADHD children are nutritionally deficient in essential fatty acids, statistics and studies show that a significant number of children have Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Doctors primarily use stimulants like Ritalin for attention deficit disorder, but studies show that ADHD attention deficit children whose treatment program includes only stimulant medication remain at high risk of vandalism, crime The frequency of alcohol intoxication and possession of marijuana. In addition, ADHD medications does not always work, have a wide range of adverse side effects and treat the cause of attention deficit disorder.

With Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD nutrition and diet is one of the aspects of treatment to consider, as an alternative treatment for ADHD and is used along with a stimulant medication for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder traditional.

Fatty acids are used to make brain and nerve tissue in the body and are essential for growth, mental function, the immune system and brain development. The body can not produce the two families, omega-3 and omega-6 by itself and therefore, must take care of these key nutrition through diet and supplements deficit disorder ADHD ingredients.

Although the typical Western diet is high in omega-6 family of fatty acids (found in corn, sunflower, canola and safflower oil, margarine, vegetable oil and lard), more young and older Americans are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids.

Learning specialists now believe many children's behavior and learning problems associated with deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids. This deficiency has a greater impact on men because of their essential fatty acids, the needs are usually much higher. No wonder that children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder to a much higher rate than girls.

ADHD adults and parents of children with ADHD should include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids per day. That said, many kids just do not eat salmon omega-3-rich mackerel and sardines.

Enter Flax seed and flax oil - "food of the gods" when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids.

Flax seed and flax oil are the richest in omega-3 fatty acids of vegetable and offers Attention Deficit Disorder nutrition vital to support the development and IQ-baby behavior. One or two tablespoons of flax oil should be part of every plan ADHD Attention Deficit nutrition food action.

In addition to the positive effects on brain function, flax oil also works to prevent heart disease and certain cancers. Flax oil helps to soften the skin, balance energy, burn fat, increases metabolism, boosts the immune system, manage diabetes, help prevent autoimmune diseases and inflammatory disorders. Flax oil also helps alleviate some of the symptoms of PMS and menopause.

Here are some ways to sneak flax oil in the diet;

    Mix 1 tablespoon of flax oil in flavored yogurt.
    1 tablespoon flax oil in fruit smoothies is virtually undetectable.
    Mix 1 tablespoon of flax oil with a tablespoon of maple syrup or honey sweetener tablespoon granulated sugar instead.
    Use 1-2 tablespoons of flax oil in the tuna salad or egg salad, while proportionately reducing the amount of mayonnaise or Miracle Whip used.
    Flax butter: melting a stick organic butter and mixed with 4 ounces linseed oil when cooled to room temperature. Refrigerate until the flax butter solidifies and use in place of margarine.
    Omega-3 "Ice Cream": Mix 2 cups yogurt with 1 tablespoon of flax oil and fresh fruit soup or frozen. Serve when frozen.

Most studies on the key essential fatty acids found that at least 10 weeks of supplementation is necessary for adequate levels of fatty acids identified in brain cells. Follow a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids for at least 10 weeks and preferably 12 weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition on Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms.

Important points about flax oil:

    Flax oil is highly perishable and must be kept refrigerated at all times.
    Heat destroys the properties of flax oil health. Flax oil Use only cold foods cold proteins are best.
    When you buy flax oil, use only high quality flax oil cold pressed. The date and best before date down for four months or less from the date of pressing should appear on the label. If not, do not buy it!
    Do not use linseed oil beyond its expiration date because the rancid oil.

Essential fatty acids are not the only required element in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD nutrition. Amino acids, the protein is made, are an integral part, since both are necessary amino acids and essential fatty acids in the body to work. Therefore, the addition of high quality protein is a key element in nutrition Attention Deficit Disorder.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and people can greatly reduce the energy level fuzzy or wrong, just start the day with a breakfast with protein. Solid protein breakfast can increase concentration, reduce anxiety and increase mental and physical calm.

Instead of starting the day with sugared cereals, pancakes covered in syrup, sweet rolls, donuts or muffins, try these breakfast ideas that stimulate the brain;

    Scrambled eggs, toast and fruit.
    Whole wheat bread with peanut butter.
    Fruit and yogurt smoothie with flax oil.
    Protein Shake.
    Bacon and eggs with toast and milk.
    Eggs sausage patty on English muffin.
    Yogurt mixed with a tablespoon of flax oil.

What Is Attention Deficit Disorder

I have a friend at work who has a young son, who was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder in children. After talking to her about it for a while, I began to wonder how it is possible to tell the difference between someone with Attention Deficit Disorder and someone who is more than difficult. It seems that it is harder to tell with children under 17 years because they tend to grow more slowly than girls anyway. My grandmother was the capital of an elementary school teacher and was pretty sure the boys did not develop intellectually something as fast as girls.

Raised my interest, I decided to continue his research. It seems that there are three stages in normal development. The first step can be seen in babies when they focus on one thing for a period of time and ignore everything else. A child whose development stops at this stage may be a tendency to autism.

The second stage is when the child is constantly finding different things of interest but never able to concentrate on one thing for long. A child who is stuck at this stage of development might be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder.

Capacity Stage three older children to the point where they can focus their attention spans and control where and when they switch their attention and activity. This is the level of concentration that the child will need to know your class a success.

My friend says that ADD is not just an inability to concentrate for long. People with attention deficit disorder are not able to choose when and where to look or when to stop. She told me that when her little son on the way, though it is repeatedly taught how to do it safely, you must wait for the traffic, and then would suddenly said no matter what the traffic is doing. There is never any warning that will do, he just knows he has to cross going.

The other side of the equation, attention deficit disorder is the ability to focus intently on one activity to the exclusion of everything else, including breaks. The victim Attention Deficit Disorder could watch the same movie over and over again or while completing puzzles over and over again. Some people say that if this behavior is not recognized and treated as soon as possible, then it could lead to overeating, addiction or compulsive behavior.

ADHD or attention deficit disorder is a variant of attention deficit disorder or added. People who suffer from this problem seems to be unable to relax or are constantly on the road. Once seated, you could move or constantly juggling, will not stay put. Often, this can be a nightmare for parents of children with ADHD, as the child does not need much sleep either. Imagine what it would be like having a child who almost never sleeps and keeps jumping when they are awake most of the time.

If you are wondering if a child with ADD will eventually grow out of it so I'm afraid the answer is no. ADD and ADHD are manifestations of physical problems in the brain so it is not likely to change with age. The disease can be transmitted genetically, but poor discipline or poor parent can not be the cause.

How to treat attention deficit disorder:

Children can receive medication and therapy to overcome the disease, if diagnosed early. The problem is the diagnosis of the extent to which someone needs help, the spectrum is very wide. Most experts seem to recommend treatment with medication and psychotherapy. Psychostimulants as "Ritalin" and "Dexedrine 'help improve the slow part of the brain that causes problems. Psychotherapy helps empower persons to pay attention, control impulses and behave appropriately in all situations.

The diet may also be important in treating Attention Deficit Disorder. Some children have adverse reactions to certain foods, such as wheat, chocolate, fruits, dairy and additives. The additives can be particularly problematic in this regard and a potential between them and ADD and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have now discovered link.

People with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have been found to be deficient in omega 3 and omega 6. It is theorized that the good growth of mental function essentially depends on these fatty acids. No conclusive evidence of this, but proper diet modification may be worth a try. Omega 3 is found in fish like mackerel and salmon and flaxseed oil. Oil, safflower oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, margarine, sunflower oil and corn contain omega-6 fatty acids.

There is a positive side to add. During my research, I found many of the opinion that some of the most famous people in history seem to have symptoms of ADHD. The suggestion list is quite long, but includes the likes of Mozart, Pasteur, Einstein and Beethoven. It seems that some of the characteristic symptoms of ADHD can lead to exceptional performance to take care of your child with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as this may be a genius.

Attention Deficit Disorder Inattentive Type - How it Differs From Other Types

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized primarily by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. These primary elements of ADHD can affect people to varying degrees. Therefore, to make it easier to determine what type of ADHD is dominant in a person, the state is divided into three sub-types or categories.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is divided into two types: hyperactive-impulsive type, inattentive type and combined type. Children diagnosed with the hyperactive-impulsive type of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder show concern and the need to be always on the road. They may appear restless, noisy and talking incessantly, restless and unable to control their impulses. They may tend to blurt out without thinking about their options and the consequences and often can experience explosions. In addition, you may have problems with their tower because they tend to run out of patience.

The other type of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is inattention. This differs greatly from the hyperactive-impulsive type this type is characterized by inattention. Compared to children diagnosed to have hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD that are always moving, children with ADHD who enter the inattentive type seem to dream a lot. Seem slow, slow, and unmotivated. They tend to be oblivious to things and have trouble focusing on certain tasks unless the task of great interest. Therefore, children with ADHD who have this disorder often have problems with tasks and work at home as they often forget to write. Even adults with ADHD this type of ADHD tend to be unable to listen to the extended amount of time and have trouble focusing on tasks unless those tasks really like. This type of ADHD often also called attention deficit disorder (ADD).

The third type of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is a combination of inattention and hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD is the disorder that has all the signs of ADHD. This is the most common type of ADHD

Given the characteristics of these three types, we can easily determine the difference between all other inattentive ADHD disorder. Does this mean that the treatment of this type also differs from the other two guys? Yes, so that there is a difference in the method used in this type compared to the other two types of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although the method used to treat hyperactive-impulsive type focuses on calming the child with ADHD and the suppression of his uncontrollable hyperactive behavior, the method used in the treatment of children with ADHD inattentive type focuses on strengthening the attention of the children and the attention span. For this, the drugs supplied for each type of ADHD may also differ.

In general, children with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder who are watching may receive an alternative treatment that can help improve brain function and memory. ADHD diet program can also be used with omega-3 and other essential fatty acids to help stimulate brain activity, relieving inattentive children and slow or slow motion.

Now that you know the three subtypes of ADHD, you can now get an idea of ​​what type of ADHD your child suffers. For complete information on these three types, you can ask your child's doctor and ask for advice on how to deal with each type of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Friday, May 3, 2013

Attention Deficit Disorder For adults

Attention Deficit Disorder tends to focus predominately on youngsters, feat the ADD adult for the most part beneath served. Most of the data conferred regarding Attention Deficit Disorder focuses on youngsters, parenting and faculty problems. virtually one ADD medication presently on the market achieved agency approval for adult Attention Deficit Disorder treatment.

Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder  

Merely wasn't fashionable once the adult of these days was a baby decades agone. whereas these days several categorical issues of over diagnosing of Attention Deficit Disorder in youngsters, several conjointly acknowledge the beneath diagnosis of adults paying attention Deficit Disorder.

Adults with ADD usually notice that they need Attention Deficit Disorder once their own kid is diagnosed. exploring through the list of symptoms, the parent usually sees similarities in their own gift or past behavior.

Yet, the hurdles of Attention Deficit square measure usually constant, whether or not during a exceedingly|in a very} kid or an adult. The ADD adult might need hassle with staying on task, staying organized and procrastinating, even as the eye Deficit Disorder kid will. the eye Deficit Disorder adult might need hassle maintaining relationships and dominant their mood, similar to AN ADD or ADD kid. the most distinction between the ADD adult and also the ADD kid is that the adult paying attention Deficit generally has additional refined header mechanisms.

For the higher half, the eye Deficit Disorder ADD ADD symptom check printed for kids is regarding constant for the adult, with the word "work" substituted for "school." you'll be able to conjointly inspect the eye Deficit Disorder check for kids and raise yourself if, as a child, you had such symptoms or presently have such Attention Deficit Disorder symptoms.

Below is AN adult symptom check with symptoms distinctive to the eye Deficit Disorder adult. This self check isn't a diagnostic assay however a supply of knowledge for the adult attempting to see if Attention Deficit Disorder may well be gift in their life.

Adult ADD Symptom Test:

If you expertise over ten points on this adult ADD self symptom check, Attention Deficit Disorder is probably going gift.

  • An indoor sense of tension
  • Impulsive disbursal habits
  •  Frequent distractions throughout sex
  • Often misplace the automotive keys, your purse or case or alternative daily things
  • Lack of attention to detail
  • Case history of ADD, learning issues, mood disorders or drug abuse issues
  • Hassle following the right channels or chain of commands
  • AN perspective of "read the directions once all else fails"
  • Frequent traffic violations
  • Impulsive job changes
  • Hassle maintaining AN organized work and/or home atmosphere
  • Inveterately late or perpetually in a very hurry
  • Often powerless  by tasks of daily living
  • Poor monetary management and frequent late bills
  • Procrastination
  • Disbursal excessive time at work thanks to inefficiencies
  • Inconsistent work performance
  • Sense of performance
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Hassle sustaining friendships or intimate relationships
  • A necessity to hunt high stimulation activities
  • Tendency toward exaggerated outbursts
  • Transposing numbers, letters, words
  • Tendency toward being contentious
  • Habit-forming temperament toward food, alcohol, drugs, work and/or gambling.
  • Tendency to stress needlessly and endlessly
  • "Thin-skinned" - having fast or exaggerated responses to real or imaginary slights.

So you hit variety of points on the adult ADD self symptom check, now what?

First, it's vital that a medico rule out conditions like anxiety, depression, adenosis, manic-depressions or neurotic  compulsive disorder which will mimic Attention Deficit Disorder symptoms. secretion imbalances in perimenopause and biological time will manufacture foggy thinking, anxiety and exaggerated outbursts. ladies ought to rule out perimenopause if the eye Deficit symptoms seem in their late 30s or 40s.

Physicians generally initial bring down ANtidepressants like selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor for an adult with ADD, since depression problems usually go hand-in-hand with adult ADD. Physicians typically move to stimulant medications like Adderall, Concerta or stimulant drug or Strattera if antidepressants don't work.

The stimulant medication treatment route isn't counseled for individuals with a history of drug or alcohol use or abuse since these square measure controlled substances with a reasonably high degree of addiction potential in adults. Some adults realize that the facet effects of ADD medications don't seem to be definitely worth the edges of the medication.

The Attention Deficit Disorder adult will realize facilitate naturally while not the facet effects of ADD medication treatment by incorporate diet, exercise and manner modifications.

Release the Steam, Quiet the Mind:

Regular and vigorous exercise will be terribly useful for the eye Deficit Disorder adult. Attention Deficit Disorder adults tend to own habit-forming personalities. Exercise may be a sensible addiction. except for the apparent health edges, regular exercise is additionally a good thanks to unharness steam and quiet the mind. Some studies conjointly link regular exercise to weakened depression - a condition common paying attention Deficit Disorder adults.


The brain may be a hungry organ that can't perform at optimum levels while not the right fuels. to stay the brain engaging at prime performance, ADD diets jam-choked with brain boosting essential fatty acids and amino acids may be a should. A diet high in lean macromolecule provides amino acids necessary for brain functioning.

The ADD adult may also meet these crucial dietary needs for Attention Deficit Disorder by taking a high-quality biological process supplement to confirm that they're giving the brain the fuel it has to perform properly.

Restructuring the ADD adult environment:

The Attention Deficit Disorder adult ought to get into the habit of constructing lists. The list ought to embrace any and every one tasks needed for the day, from "Mop the room floor" to "Finish the sales proposal."

Write your list with the tasks of highest priority initial. Once the best priority task is completed, mark it off and head to following. averting the urge to skip around on the list can take some discipline however the sense of accomplishment at completed tasks is well definitely worth the effort.

The Attention Deficit Disorder adult ought to conjointly keep a pad in their automotive, purse, coat and on their bed stand. Thoughts come back and go quickly. jot the nice ideas down can make sure that they do not flee quickly - forward the pad doesn't wander away within the method...

The grandfather clock or a ticker with AN alarm will be a good tool for the attention Deficit Disorder adult. If you would like to select your kid up from football follow at an exact time, set the alarm. If you have got food preparation on the stove and you allow the room, set the alarm. If you have got a very important appointment, set the alarm.

Large tasks tend to overwhelm the eye Deficit Disorder adult and that they usually postpone massive task as long as potential. it's not uncommon for the attention Deficit Disorder adult to procrastinate till the "11th Hour" and so pull AN all-night musical performance attempting to fulfill a point.

For large tasks, the eye Deficit Disorder adult can move to interrupt the task into smaller, additional manageable tasks and fix deadlines to the smaller tasks. If you would like to complete an outsized project in one week, for example, schedule specific time day after day to figure on a particular side of the project.

An adult paying attention Deficit Disorder may also realize it useful to enlist the assistance of an instructor. an instructor may be a shut and trustworthy  friend, associate or expert whose specific perform is to assist the attention Deficit Disorder adult keep organized, heading in the right direction and targeted whereas providing encouragement.